
Run Or Ride For Sma 2024 - 2 Edition

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4th Aug



10k, 10K, 5k

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About Event


Join us as we lace up our shoes and hit the road to make a difference for those affected by spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). The run for SMA event is an inspiring and empowering initiative by Cure SMA India aimed at raising awareness to provide treatment to the individuals impacted by this debilitating genetic disorder. The carrier frequency of SMA carriers is 1 in 38 people. There is an urgent need to create awareness to prevent more kids with SMA being born.


SMA is a rare genetic neuromuscular condition that affects the motor neurons responsible for muscle movement. It leads to progressive muscle weakness, difficulty with motor skills(standing, walking, etc), and, in severe cases, respiratory complications. By participating in this event, you will be contributing to access to treatments, ongoing research, and support programs for SMA patients.


Whether you're an experienced runner, a beginner, or simply passionate about making a positive impact, this event is open to all. Gather your friends, family, and colleagues, and together, let's run for SMA. Not only will you be engaging in a healthy and fulfilling activity, but you'll also be raising awareness and offering hope to those living with SMA.


Every step you take during the Run for SMA brings us closer to a future where SMA is better understood, treated, cured, and prevented. Your involvement can make a significant difference in the lives of individuals and families affected by this condition. Join us in this impactful journey towards creating an SMA-free world and barrier-free universal healthcare for all.


Registration Includes a T-shirt, Medal & Breakfast.


For group registrations, reach us at +91 888500485

Event Category

Here are the available races for Run Or Ride For Sma 2024 - 2 Edition
10Km Non Timed Run
category-locationGachibowli, Hyderabad
12:00:00 AM
10Km Non Timed Cycling
category-locationGachibowli, Hyderabad
12:00:00 AM
5Km Non Timed Run
category-locationGachibowli, Hyderabad
12:00:00 AM
5Km Timed Run
category-locationGachibowli, Hyderabad
12:00:00 AM
10Km Timed Run
category-locationGachibowli, Hyderabad
12:00:00 AM

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