
Mumbai Ultra

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Veer savarkar smarak,



15th Aug




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About Event


Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) is India's Premier Cancer institute known for its services in Cancer treatment with more than 1,30,000 patients registered every year. (across its 9 centers in 6 states of India) Among these, are 4000 pediatric cancer patients treated every year. The entire treatment of these little warriors, along with their nutrition, education and their accommodation during the long treatment, is done free of cost. Annually, there is a requirement of Rs 65 Crore. 

Mumbai Ultra The 12 Hour Run is organised to raise funds to meet the expenses for treatment of these little warriors and create awareness that Childhood Cancer is Curable

Running the Mumbai Ultra will make you proud; here’s why.

Mumbai Ultra the 12 Hour Run is a dream run for every Marathoner to call himself as a Ultra Marathoner

A run known for highest level of nutrition, hydration, medical and physio support for the entire 12 hours.

Dear Runners, celebrate your Independence Day by running like a soldier for the treatment of pediatric cancer patients and be an ambassador of spreading the message that Childhood Cancer is Curable

You can donate directly to Tata Memorial Centre (ImPaCCT Foundation) and get income tax exemption certificates.


Event Category

Here are the available races for Mumbai Ultra
Ultra Marathon - Relay team of 3 (Armed Forces)
category-locationVeer savarkar smarak, Mumbai
12:00:00 AM
Ultra Marathon
Ultra Marathon - Solo (Armed Forces)
category-locationVeer savarkar smarak, Mumbai
12:00:00 AM
Ultra Marathon
Ultra Marathon - Relay team of 3
category-locationVeer savarkar smarak, Mumbai
11:30:00 PM
Ultra Marathon
Ultra Marathon - Solo
category-locationVeer savarkar smarak, Mumbai
11:30:00 PM
Ultra Marathon

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