KM Deeksha, a 25-year-old middle-distance runner from Amroha, has rapidly risen to become one of India’s top athletes. Born on January 1, 1999, in a small town of Uttar Pradesh, Deeksha’s journey to becoming a record-breaking athlete was extraordinary and marked with familial support, particularly from her mother. Overcoming societal expectations and barriers, Deeksha found her way into sports, driven by a passion for running.
Her introduction to athletics began in her early teens when she participated in local track events. However, her professional training at the Madhya Pradesh Athletics Academy, Bhopal under the mentorship of coach S K Prasad marked a turning point in her career. For five years, Deeksha dedicated herself to rigorous training at the academy, and focused on middle-distance events, particularly the 1500 meters.
Deeksha’s rise in the Indian athletics scene began to gain attention in 2023 when she competed in the National Inter-State Athletics Championships at the Kalinga Stadium in Bhubaneswar. There, she clocked 4:06.07 minutes, winning the gold medal in the 1500 meters and setting her personal best at the time.
On May 11, 2024, at the Sound Running Track Fest in Los Angeles, KM Deeksha made history by breaking the national record in the women’s 1500 meters. She finished third in the race with a time of 4:04.78 minutes, surpassing Harmilan Bains’ previous record of 4:05.39, which had stood since 2021. Deeksha’s accomplishment brought her closer to the Olympic qualification mark of 4:02.50, however she could not qualify for the Paris Olympics 2024.
Looking ahead, Deeksha has her eyes set on representing India at the 2024 Paris Olympics. Her recent performance has bolstered her confidence, and with continued hard work, she aims to secure a place at the Olympics and win a medal for India. Beyond the Olympics, Deeksha's goal is to inspire young athletes, especially girls from rural areas, to pursue sports and break barriers as she has done.
Deeksha now sets her eye on upcoming international competitions, including the 2026 Asian Games and the 2028 Olympics, where she aims to not only qualify but also secure a podium finish for India. Her journey continues to inspire young athletes, especially from rural India, to chase their dreams despite the challenges.